Facts Of John Adams


Michael Benton, Contributor

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facts of john adamsHeavily involved in so many aspects of the birth of the nation, there are many interesting facts on John Adams that are not well known. Fun facts about John Adams include that he was the first President to live in the White House but his family had a hard time finding their way through the forest on the first night they moved in. Also, he passed away on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1826, the same day that his political rival, Thomas Jefferson, passed away. Although Jefferson had actually died hours before, Adams last words were, "Thomas Jefferson survives." Another one of John Adams' interesting facts is that he actually provided legal defense to the British soldiers charged with murder after the Boston Massacre and was mostly successful. Facts about John Adams life are well known not only because of his prominence in the time but also because he wrote hundreds of letters which were maintained by his family.

John Adams' presidency facts include his settlement of the Quasi-War with France and signing the Alien and Sedition Acts into law. The Quasi-War was a naval conflict that broke out when French vessels began harassing American trade ships heading to Britain. During this conflict, fears of a growing rebellious sentiment within the political opposition in America led to the passing of the Alien and Sedition Acts which severely restricted dissent and free speech. This fact about John Adams is probably the one that garners the most criticism. Another John Adams fact is that he slyly nominated a number of federal judges in the last hours of his presidency who were opposed to the policies of the next president, Thomas Jefferson. Adams had lost the election of 1800 to Jefferson but did not attend the inauguration of his political rival after hearing news of is son's death in New York. Adams' eldest son, John Quincy Adams, was the Secretary of State under the Monroe Administration and became the sixth President of the United States in 1825. One of John Adams' fast facts is that he and John Quincy were the only father and son to be president until George HW Bush and George W Bush two centuries later. John Q Adams facts include his role in the Treaty of Ghent which ended the War of 1812 and his writing much of the Monroe Doctrine which forbid any further colonization in the American continents by European powers.

For John Adams, facts about his life are widely available online and in print as well as in the highly acclaimed HBO miniseries, John Adams, produced in 2008. For children, there is a website with 10 facts about John Adams that are relevant and easy to remember. John Adams fun facts are also important for children developing an early understanding of reasons for American independence from Britain. He was an original member of the First Continental Congress and helped convince the other representatives that independence was the only logical course. In an advisory role, he helped Thomas Jefferson put together the Declaration of Independence. These two Founding Fathers were originally good friends who would share over 300 letters during their lives. After a long political rivalry, they renewed their friendship in the last decade of life before passing away on the same day.